You should ignore this lawyer's advice
Dec 08, 2022It all started innocent enough...
A Legal Plan Member called to confirm he was right.
He was showing the Legal Plan to a friend.
Shared how he chats with yours truly (without getting billed).
And that he feels safe using Illinois' most up-to-date lease.
Yada yada yada.
When outta the blue, his buddy shouted:
"Well MY lawyer said to never use a 5-Day Notice when a Tenant doesn't pay - it never works! 30-Day Notices are the best!"
* scratches head *
Not sure where that came from, but ok...
Since we're talking about it, that's sounds a tad... dumb.
Because it is.
When you need to evict a Tenant, the 5-Day, 10-Day and 30-Day Notices all work.
So long as you use the right one.
And follow the rules.
By Landlord Legal
P.S. You know Rule #1923071914 of The Brief: Thou Shalt Not Call Out Another Lawyer By Name. If you fear this lawyer could be yours, better call these hotshots next time.
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