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Why an ESA may not stay

Jan 17, 2025

Tenant's treat emotional support animals like a golden ticket.

"No pet fees!"

"No rules!"

"Here's my peacock — his name is Kevin."

Now your rental looks like Jumanji.

You can't charge pet deposits for an ESA.

But Tenants can't just flash a sketchy note and call it a day.

If the disability isn't obvious, they need proof.

Doctor's note? Yes.

Etsy certificate? Nope.

An ESA must help with at least one specific challenge caused by a person's disability.

You can ask for proof— just keep it reasonable.

The rules protect disabilities, not excuses.

And no, "Kevin makes me happy" doesn't count. 

By Landlord Legal

Whew, that's issue #140 of The Brief.

Mess up an ESA request, and you'll become best friends with the Fair Housing folks.  Why some landlords try to wing the legal stuff on their own is wild — don't be that landlord.

DISCLAIMER: Heads up - none of this is legal advice. We share stories and laughs about legal stuff for Landlords.  Do your own homework and stay safe out there!