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Told you this new law was coming…

Apr 15, 2022

So, um…

Remember that law we mentioned a few months back?

The one forcing you to be a Section 8 Landlord.

At the time, it just passed the House.

But now it’s headed to Gov. Pritzker’s desk.

And it’s a sure bet he signs it.

* Googles Section 8 housing *

Section 8 is a federal program offering rental help to low income folks.

In the good old days, you could simply deny a Section 8 Tenant.

“Sorry, we don’t take Section 8.”

That’s no longer true.

Now you must accept Section 8 Tenants.

So when a Tenant shows “housing vouchers” as a source of income, you can’t pass on them because of it.

It sucks, but that’s Illinois law for ya.

By Landlord Legal

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