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More notices, faster evictions

Sep 12, 2024

You've got one Tenant.

Just one.

He hasn't paid rent in three months.

He's turned your property into a petting zoo.

And ghosts your calls like you're trying to sell life insurance.

So, what do you do?

You could sit there, fingers crossed, hoping he magically turns into the renter of your dreams.


You could serve him with an eviction notice.

But why stop at one?

And don't you have to take it one step at at time?

Nah, this ain't yoga!

You can serve multiple eviction notices on the same tenant — at the same time.

Late rent? Boom.

Lease violation for Fluffy the goat? Boom.

Ignoring your calls? Double boom.

But make sure you're hitting them with the notice that fits.

By Landlord Legal

Boom, boom, boom — that's issue #125 of The Brief.

Tenant’s lawyer said it couldn’t be done — boo hoo. Three notices later, the tenant was out a month early. If you need to show 'em who's boss, just say the word.

DISCLAIMER: Heads up - none of this is legal advice. We share stories and laughs about legal stuff for Landlords.  Do your own homework and stay safe out there!